Parzival Andreas Borlinghaus, M.Sc
- Ph.D. student
- Room: B 5.24
CS 01.87 - parzival borlinghaus ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Rüppurer Str. 1a Haus B
76137 Karlsruhe
Research Interests
As a fellow of the German Federal Environmental Foundation, I use my expertise in image processing and machine learning to investigate fascinating and challenging questions in quantitative biology.
Machine Learning
Image Analysis
Apis mellifera brood monitoring
Varroa destructor monitoring
Publication list
- P. Borlinghaus, J. M. Gülzow, and R. Odemer, ‘In-Hive Flatbed Scanners for Non-Destructive, Long-Term Monitoring of Honey Bee Brood, Pathogens and Pests’, Smart Agricultural Technology, vol. 9, p. 100655, Nov. 2024, LINK.
- P. Borlinghaus, R. Odemer, and F. Tausch, ‘Natural color dispersion of corbicular pollen limits color-based classification’, Open Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Mar. 2024, LINK.
- P. Borlinghaus, J. Jung, and R. Odemer, ‘Introducing Pollenyzer: An App for Automatic Determination of Colour Diversity for Corbicular Pollen Loads’, Smart Agricultural Technology, p. 100263, Jun. 2023, LINK.
- P. Borlinghaus, F. Tausch, and L. Rettenberger, ‘A Purely Visual Re-ID Approach for Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris)’, Smart Agricultural Technology, vol. 3, p. 100135, Feb. 2023, LINK.
- P. Borlinghaus, R. Odemer, F. Tausch, K. Schmidt, and O. Grothe, ‘Honey bee counter evaluation – Introducing a novel protocol for measuring daily loss accuracy’, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 197, p. 106957, Jun. 2022, LINK.
- P. Borlinghaus and S. Huber, ‘Comparing Apples and Oranges: Human and Computer Clustered Affinity Diagrams Under the Microscope’, in 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, in IUI ’21. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, Apr. 2021, pp. 413–422. LINK.
Curriculum Vitae (Short Version)
Since 11/20 | PhD student at the Institute for Operations Research (IOR), Chair of Analytics and Statistics |
04/17 - 10/19 |
Studied Economics Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), degree: M.Sc. |
10/13 - 04/17 |
Studied Economics Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), degree: B.Sc. |
2013 | Abitur at Alexander von Humboldt Gymnasium Konstanz |