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Dr. Maximilian Coblenz


  • Copulas
  • Maschinelles Lernen
  • Complex Systems Science

Lebenslauf (Kurzfassung)

12/18 Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol. (mit Auszeichnung: summa cum laude)
seit 07/15 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Operations Research (IOR), Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Oliver Grothe
08/17 - 10/17 Visiting PhD Student, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Waterloo
05/13 - 06/15 Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, Konzernrisikocontrolling
04/11 - 04/13 Studium M. Sc. Technische Volkswirtschaftslehre am KIT (Abschluss: M. Sc., mit Auszeichnung)
09/11 - 09/12 Studium Finance and Investment an der University of Nottingham (Abschluss: M. Sc., with Distinction)
10/07 - 03/11 Studium Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen am KIT (Abschluss: B. Sc.)
10/06 - 09/07 Studium Physik am KIT
2006 Abitur am Humboldt Gymnasium Karlsruhe


  • Coblenz, M., Dyckerhoff, R., Grothe, O. (2018), Confidence Regions for Multivariate Quantiles, Water, 10: 996.

      Codes können hier gefunden werden.

  • Coblenz, M., Grothe, O., Schreyer, M., Trutschnig, W. (2018), On the length of copula level curves, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 167: 347-365.
  • Breig, R., Coblenz, M., Pelz, M. (2018), Enhancing simulation-based theory development in entrepreneurship through statistical validation, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 9: 53-59
  • Coblenz, M., Dyckerhoff, R., Grothe, O. (2018), Nonparametric Estimation of Multivariate Quantiles, Environmetrics 29(2): 1-23

      Codes können hier gefunden werden.

  • Teschner, F., Coblenz, M., Weinhardt, C. (2011), Short-Selling in Prediction Markets, The Journal of Prediction Markets 5(2): 14-31

Konferenzen und Vorträge

  • März 2019 (geplant): Modeling Fuel Injector Spray Characteristics Of Jet Engines Using Vine Copulas, DAGStat 2019, LMU München, Germany
  • März 2019 (geplant): A new relaxation of the simplifying assumption in vine copulas, Stochastic Models, Statistics and their Application (SMSA 2019), TU Dresden, Germany
  • 15.12.2018: Confidence Regions for Multivariate Quantiles, 11th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2018), University of Pisa, Italy
  • 22.08.2018: On the Length of Copula Level Curves, ATMS Workshop on Multi- and high-dimensional statistics, Copulas, Survival Analysis, and Model selection, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • 17.12.2017: Nonparametric estimation of multivariate quantiles in small sample sizes, 10th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2017), University of London, UK
  • 18.09.2017: Multivariate Quantiles: Nonparametric Estimation and Applications to Risk Management, Seminar Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Waterloo, Canada
  • 03.07.2017: The Length of Copula Level Curves, Copulas and Their Applications - To commemorate the 75th birthday of Professor Roger B. Nelsen, University of Almeria, Spain
  • 30.05.2017: Nonparametric Estimation of Multivariate Quantiles, Seminar Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo, Norway


aktuelle Veranstaltungen
Titel Typ Semester
Seminar SoSe 2019
Seminar SoSe 2019

bisherige Veranstaltungen
Titel Typ Semester
Seminar WiSe 2018/2019
Seminar WiSe 2018/2019
Übung SoSe 2018
Seminar SoSe 2018
Seminar SoSe 2018
Übung WiSe 2017/2018
Seminar WiSe 2017/2018
Übung SoSe 2017
Seminar SoSe 2017
Seminar SoSe 2017
Seminar WiSe 2016/2017
Seminar WiSe 2016/2017
Übung SoSe 2016
Seminar SoSe 2016
Seminar SoSe 2016
Übung WiSe 2015/2016
Seminar WiSe 2015/2016
Seminar WiSe 2015/2016